20020710 - Matthew David Kovacs - June 25, 2002 - August 27, 2002

P6250004  How to feed Matthew P7100026  Erika and Matthew #1 P7100027  Erika and Matthew #2 P7130002  It's good to have my own pool!
P7130003  I like to swim! P7300018  Easy Rider P8070002  I am so cold! Splash pool in the zoo P8070004  Matthew and Erika #3
P8070005  Matthew #1 P8070006  Erika P8070011  Matthew #2 P8130001  You won't believe, but I am sleeping!
P8160002  Before I had my roadster I did not want to sleep in my old crib. P8160004  Just like Daddy! Unfortunately he could not get a roadster. Not even a fake one! P8200001  I think this is not my size! P8270002  Attila and Matthew
P8270007  Matthew #3 P8270014  I don't know who are these guys. I should start watching TV! P8270017  Hide-and-seek #1 P8270018  Hide-and-seek #2
P8270024  Matthew #4 P8270025  Matthew #5 P8270026  Matthew #6 P8270027  Matthew #7